Thursday, January 23, 2014

A New Beginning

Today is the first day of my life as an entrepreneur.  This blog will be that story. 

I am both excited and terrified at the same time -- yesterday I was let go by Riot Games.  A large part of me wants to scream at the injustice, to rage and vent and dwell.  I know the truth of it though, after three years at Riot I've built up a hunger in me.  That hunger was my discontent, it was my downfall, and it will now become my ascent.

Riot tells the story of their humble beginnings every year.  They talk about Marc and Brandon getting a team of awesome talent together to build a game that would rapidly grow to the most played online game in the world.  They started with very little, they joke that their investors were Visa and MasterCard.  These stories were inspiring. 

I was fired the same day as my closest colleague, Nate Austin. We were let go with the reason that, "There is no future for Nick and Nate here at Riot."  While I am sad to leave, and I will miss the daily interaction with my amazing co-workers, there was truth to that statement.

I will let Nate speak for himself, but I believe he has the same hunger to do something grand. It was his idea to call our new business N², as both a little bit of programming humor and a play on our names.  If we can fuel each other's enthusiasm and keep each other honest, I have every bit of confidence we will succeed.

Last night at O'Brian's pub a group of Rioters and Riot alumni gave us the best send off I could hope for.  I'm sorry if I embarrassed anybody :).

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